Public Health Courses

Course Title:

Bio-Statistics (MPH 745)


A.T. Still University Online


Biostatistics is the study and development of statistical, mathematical, and computational methods applied to the biological, health, and human sciences. Biostatisticians play a key role in the design, conduct, and analysis of research studies in the areas of health and disease, and create and apply methods for quantitative research in health related fields.

Topics covered in this course include: data description, probability, distribution of random variables, applications of the binomial and normal distributions, estimation and confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, contingency tables, regression, and analysis of variance.

Additional topics include introduction to statistical computing and data management, non-parametric, or distribution free, statistical methods and demographic measures. Students will need to use a statistical program (Microsoft Excel ® or other program) to assist with computations.
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Undergraduate Degree


Not Given
A.T. Still University Online

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